ASE (alternate splicing events) are identified and quantified using the ASCENT (Alternate SpliCing EveNt Tools) pipeline. This workflow can be used for multi-group multi-contrasts scenarios.
ASPEN or Atac Seq PipEliNe is CCBR's pipeline to calls peaks for ATAC-Seq datasets. It currently accepts paired-end Illumina data and calls peak using MACS2 and Genrich peak callers.
CHromAtin iMmuno PrecipitAtion sequencinG aNalysis pipEline calls ChIPseq peaks using MACS2, GEM, and SICER followed by motif enrichment and other downstream analysis.
Circrnas in Host And viRuses anaLysis pIpEline detects, annotates and quantifies circRNAs in host + virus references using CIRCExplorer2, CIRI2 and many other tools in parallel.
This repository provides access to a set of pipelines developed by CCBR members to analyze NGS data on DNAnexus. They allow a user to process raw data starting from FastQ files to reach common endpoints for downstream analysis such as a list of annotated mutations, a set of annotated peaks, or a raw counts matrix for differential expression analysis.
HapFerret is an Expectation-Maximization (EM) implementation that is characterized by flexibility and ease of use, notable its use of a natural format for input genotypes and output haplotypes.
Human Endogenous Retrovirus expression pipeline, as known as HERVx, is a containerized pipeline to characterize retrotranscriptome. HERVx calculates Human Endogenous Retrovirus (HERV) expression in paired-end RNA-sequencing data.
Mouse nEoanTigen pRedictOr is a pipeline to characterize the effect of a mutation on an amino acid sequences and to predict the binding of peptides to any MHC molecule using netMHCpan.
MAAPster, also known as MicroArray Analysis Pipeline, is a comprehensive Shiny application and R package that performs transcriptome analysis of human or mouse Affymetrix gene expression data.
Rna sEquencing aNalysis pipElinE or RENEE is an open-source, reproducible, and scalable solution for analyzing RNA-seq data. The pipeline consists of a series of data processing and quality-control steps orchestrated by Snakemake, a flexible and scalable workflow management system, to submit jobs to a cluster or cloud provider.
The ATAC-seq (Assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin using sequencing) pipeline typically follows several steps to analyze paired-end sequencing data and identify regions of open chromatin (peaks).
The SF Long Read Variant Analysis Pipeline (SF_LR_VAP) is a bioinformatics workflow tailored for the comprehensive analysis of long-read sequencing data.
This repository contains workflows/scripts for processing Pacbio reads integrated with cell barcodes to Polylox barcodes, generating comprehensive reports and visualizations for Polylox barcode analysis.
SINgle CelLAnalysIs Resource or SINCLAIR is developed by the CCR Collaborative Bioinformatics Resource as an open-source, reproducible solution for multiple single cell next-generation modalities.